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Health & Fitness
Linda Bomba's review...
My experience with the program so far

I just joined this company a week ago and I joined initially just for the products. I was with another company using their CBD oil and I was paying $89 for a 750 bottle and their price for the same thing is $18 so I think that is a no brainer plus there are other products they have that I will use.

As I have started to explore the website it just makes sense to use the products but create a side income although they do state you can earn up to $2K+ without referring anyone. While that may be possible it's unlikely it's like 24 cents for anyone who falls into your matrix and you would need to get thousands of people from spill over in order for that happen.

What I Like

The prices and the monthly membership fee is only is $9.95 which I paying $147.00 a month to be on auto ship with my other company. I like the membership idea which models Costco.

What I Dislike

Building a team with a matrix that is based on the efforts of other people and if you want to make any kind of size able income you do need to depend on the efforts of other people.

Final Verdict

So far I am liking it and can't wait to get my products. The company and people seem like they really want everyone to succeed.


Categorized under:
IM Tool
KASH EMPIRE's review...
My experience with the program so far

I joined on the day of launch. In my first 24 hours of joining I made $70 without sponsoring a single person! This got me excited and made me take a deeper look into it and how it works.

For starters, is a imaging service that allows you to create personalized images that you can use within your email campaigns when email marketing. I set my first image to use for one of my businesses and from that very first email with the image I used I generated 2 SALES that day! I was impressed by the effectiveness of the service and software.

What I Like

What I like about this platform is that it is a one time cost of $147, so you don't have to worry about any monthly payments to remain active in the system. There are 2 upgrades that you can participate in as well. The Pro Plus membership which is $397 and the Platinum Pro membership which is $497. Both of these memberships allow you to earn even more in commissions from the Profit Lines.

Another thing I am liking about this platform is how members are retired out of the Profit Lines after earning their portion of commissions and everyone in the Profit Line is promoted to the next position to your right until you retire. Once you retire you won't be able to earn until you yourself sponsor someone into the platform. This was implemented to keep tire kickers and people looking for a free lunch out of Profit Lines and only keeping active Profit Partners in Profit Lines. Pure Genius because that is what worries most people about these platforms. If no one is recruiting, no one earns. Well you don't have to worry about that here.

Now I want to talk more about the Image Software. Before joining this platform, I never knew that imaging software was a "thing". But since I have joined and began using it, I have seen a big difference in my clicks and conversions. Definitely seeing more conversions when I use images in my emails. Since this is new to me, I am having a hard time thinking of what kind of images I can use. So far I just place myself on an image for branding, but I do want to be more creative.

What I Dislike

What I dislike about the platform is it is alot to take in. Not so easy to really understand right out the gate nor explain to someone. People don't really like reading now a days and there is a LOT of text on the platform. But if you take your time to go thru the information, everything you need it there.

Final Verdict

My final thoughts on this platform is that it is a completely innovative project that took a lot of planning and thought. I think it is perfect for anyone to get started with and earning. I have referred 14 people personally and don't plan to stop there as the compensation plan on this is incredible! If you are looking for a unique platform that allows you to earn from the efforts of others who are building and also teamwork then this is for you! You will be showered with commissions and passive income.


Categorized under:
List Building
Herbert Flores's review...
My experience with Minute Pop so far is promising and user-friendly.

Welcome to my review for Minute Pop, the ultimate solution for effortless email capture and engagement. This nifty product, crafted by Cindy Donovan and available on JVZoo, simplifies the process of capturing subscribers' emails and instantly monetizing them.

The front end product is the Minute Pop Collection – $46.47 One Time (increasing over launch)

The main selling point here is the speed and efficiency. Minute Pop claims to have everything set up and monetized in under a minute. In today's fast-paced world, where time is money, this is a game-changer for anyone looking to dive into online entrepreneurship without the hassle.

Imagine effortlessly choosing your niche, displaying a stunning lead capture popup, and automatically subscribing and delivering newsletters—all within a minute. This quick and easy setup is a dream come true for both beginners and seasoned marketers.

The second impressive feature is the package of 15 Completely DFY Lead Capture Funnels. Everything is pre-built, designed, and ready to capture leads. For those who value convenience and efficiency, this is a goldmine.

The third standout feature is the 5 Niche Targeted, Content Rich DFY Weekly Newsletters. This isn't just AI; it's a hands-free approach to stay relevant with niche-specific, trending news every week. It's the perfect way to engage and nurture your leads without lifting a finger.

Many people ask, "Can I really set this up in under a minute? " The answer is a resounding yes! The simplicity of Minute Pop's setup process is designed for users at every skill level. It's a user-friendly tool that puts automation at your fingertips.

Now, to address a minor drawback, some users may find the predefined niches limiting. However, for many, the provided niches cover a wide range of profitable areas, making this a minor consideration in the grand scheme of things.

What I Like

  • Simple and Fast Setup: Minute Pop lives up to its name in terms of initial setup. Choosing a niche, installing the popup, and selecting monetization options is indeed a quick and painless process.
  • Done-For-You Funnels and Newsletters: No need to create content from scratch. Minute Pop provides 15 pre-built lead capture funnels and 5 niche-targeted weekly newsletters, saving you tons of time and effort.
  • Multiple Monetization Options: You can choose to let Minute Pop manage affiliate marketing with Clickbank products, send traffic to your own URLs, or a combination of both. This flexibility caters to different income strategies.
  • Trending Content Delivered Automatically: The team at Minute Pop handles curation of relevant news and updates for your weekly newsletters, ensuring your subscribers receive fresh and engaging content without any effort on your part.
  • Beginner-Friendly: Even if you're new to email marketing, Minute Pop's user-friendly interface and pre-configured options make it easy to get started.

What I Dislike

  • Upsells and Ongoing Costs: While the core Minute Pop features are available for a one-time fee, unlocking all the bells and whistles involves additional upsells and monthly subscriptions.

Final Verdict

Minute Pop is a game-changing tool that turns complex tasks into a seamless, one-minute process. Embrace the future of online marketing, and let Minute Pop redefine your success. Click, purchase, and unlock the doors to automated prosperity.


Categorized under:
IM Tool
Costas Alba's review...
My experience with the program so far

Discovered Pictory while searching for an easy way to create videos for my content marketing. As a solopreneur, I don't have a big budget or video production skills. However, I know that video can help engage my audience and improve my website and blog SEO.

From the first time I tried out Pictory's free trial, I was impressed by how intuitive the platform is. Within minutes, I was able to turn one of my blog posts into a professional-looking video complete with AI narration. The video came out better than I could have done on my own. I've been able to experiment with their various video creation tools. The AI video generator and editor have been easy to use and produced great-quality initial results.

What I Like

One of my favorite Pictory features is how it analyzes my scripts and blog content to automatically extract key sections into short highlight videos perfect for social media. I've found these clips get much more views and interaction than static posts alone. It's like I have my video editing assistant working for me! The ability to add captions that boost watch time has also really increased my reach. I also appreciated the free plan which allows getting started without any costs. The quality of auto-generated videos is amazing.

What I Dislike

Processing times can be slow at times depending on the project size. Some more customization options in the editor would be better but again the excellent response from Pictory support also gets issues addressed quickly.

Final Verdict

Overall, Pictory has already taken my content marketing game to the next level. And with continued innovation, it will stay my go-to platform for all video needs moving forward. For any solopreneur or a small business just starting in the video, I wholeheartedly recommend checking out everything Pictory has to offer.
With Pictory AI you can harness the power of AI and amazing video creation tools to grow your audience while saving you time. They offer an all-inclusive free trial period without the need to use a credit card or pay any fees. So it is risk-free and easy for anyone to have a try and test what it can provide.


Categorized under:
Affiliate Marketing
Ronnie 's review...
My experience with the program so far

Unlike other courses that leave you stranded with mere knowledge and no tools to execute, Funnel Freedom is your all-in-one companion, simplifying every aspect of the process from funnel building to email marketing, website management, and social media strategies. My experience so far has been awesome. The software, group support, and tech support are on point. Plus, I've made a hefty amount of recurring commissions.

What I Love

  • Free Ready-To-Use Course: Instant gratification for your email list growth.
  • One-Year Automated Email Feature: No typing emails. You get a year's worth!
  • Premade YT vids: Why reinvent the wheel when you can hitch a ride on the YouTube bandwagon? It's like borrowing your neighbor's Wi-Fi – free and easy.
  • Pitch Several High-Ticket Offers: Because who wants to put all their eggs in one basket when you can have a whole omelet? Options, baby!
  • No Cap on Content: Unlimited funnels and websites? It's like having a bottomless pit of creativity – dive in and never hit rock bottom.
  • Unlimited Contacts: Expand your audience like a magician pulling rabbits out of hats – except these rabbits are potential customers, not fluffy critters.

What I'm Not Crazy About

  • No Built-In Traffic: So, you've built your digital empire, but where are the people? Funnel Freedom won't send them your way – gotta shell out $1500 for that secret traffic sauce.
  • Too Reliant on Systems: Like leaning too hard on your GPS and ending up lost in the wilderness, relying solely on pre-made systems can leave you feeling stranded.
  • Expensive: Funnel Freedom ain't cheap, folks – it's like buying a Ferrari when you're still learning to ride a bike.
  • Confusing Choices: High-ticket offers galore, but which one to choose? It's like being a kid in a candy store – overwhelmed and slightly panicked.

Final Verdict

You know what? I'm all about it, man! As a coach helping regular folks dive into the online biz world, Funnel Freedom is like the ultimate gift wrap for affiliate marketing newbies.


Categorized under:
Internet Marketing
Mike Merz Sr's review...
A Quick Word Or Two From Mike Merz Sr.

I've been an Affiliate Marketer since 1998, became an Internet Marketing Start-up Consultant in 2000, and began focusing on JV Brokering & Affiliate Program Management in 2003, resulting in the creation and launch of JVNotifyPro in 2005.

In an effort to stay on top of the latest Online Business strategies, I've invested my share of time and money into what I considered quality products and services. Just because I've been at this for the last 26+ years, doesn't mean I've learned all I need to know to continue doing business at a high level. Every day there's something new popping up, and if you don't stay ahead of the pack by continuing to be open to learning and trying new things you can quickly fall behind.

That being said, I've recently decided to invest in becoming a MAP (Master Affiliate Profits) backer. MAP is currently in the 2nd of 3 phases, and you have until June 26th 2024 to get in at the Platinum level for a one-time investment.

IMPORTANT! Just because I've known, and worked with, MAP creators John Thornhill, Omar & Melinda Martin for many years does not mean I was comped, or offered a special discount to get on board. I gladly paid what every one of the other nearly 800 MAP backers (thus far) has paid, and I consider it a bargain.

MAP focuses on helping its members become better Affiliate Marketers, which has always been the heart and soul of my work with JVNP/JVNW, so I consider it a match made in Heaven, featuring beginner to advanced training in list building, email, ad, & video marketing, blogging, social media, traffic generation and conversion, and more.

Additionally, if you decide to join me as a backer by June 26th, you'll have access to advanced features and benefits like a higher commission %, a 2-tier referral option, gratis traffic, and more advantages than I have time and space to reveal here, all for a one-time only investment.

Hey, listen you know that I don't directly sell to fellow affiliates and JV partners. The only reason I'm mentioning this is because I've personally invested in MAP, and I'm inviting you to do the same period.

If this is something you feel you and your business might benefit from, you can find out everything you need to know about MAP right here, including a webinar featuring John and Omar.

If not enjoy the rest of your day. ;)

Mike Merz Sr


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